MMuDS Membership - Join, Renew, Update
New Members to MMuDS
Use this form to join MMuDS as a new member. New members are welcome at any time of the year. Your membership commences for a full twelve months on the date your membership application is approved by the committee or payment, which ever is the latter. This date will become the anniversary date for membership renewal. (New family group members that are being added to your profile share the renewal date of the primary member). Once we receive your application form, the Treasurer will send you an invoice to pay online or by mail. Questions about Membership or becoming part of a production, Local Vocals, The Actor Factory or the Play Reading to [email protected] MMuDS Rules of Association Click to view the MMuDS Rules of Association. |
Join MMuDSMembership Categories
Adults The standard membership for an individual. Family Groups - A "Family Group" membership is open to a family residing at the same address. One person in your family group performs the initial sign-up process for themselves as the primary member. Once your profile is created, you can add your other family member details. You only need to add those members of your family who will be participating in MMuDS activities, or want to receive the newsletter to their own email address. You can always add family members to your profile at any time. Youth MMuDS encourages young people to join and participate in MMuDS. Youth membership is open to all young persons under the age of 25. Patrons Patrons recognise that community organisations such as MMuDS have an ongoing need for financial support above and beyond that which normal membership revenue provides. This additional funding allows MMuDS to continue to invest in resources, training and equipment. In recognition of your valued financial support, Patrons receive two complimentary tickets to MMuDS productions. Renewing your Membership You can change your level of membership if you wish, please contact our secretary by email. Paying your Membership Fee Your Membership invoice will come to you via email. You can pay your membership fees using PayPal or Direct Debit. If you are not able to pay in this manner, please contact our Treasurer by email and we will contact you to make alternative arrangements. Benefits of Membership
Voting Rights
(i) individual members one vote; (ii) family members a maximum of two votes per family membership; (iii) single patrons one vote; and joint or business patrons a maximum of two votes per patronage * Members under the age of 16 are a special case. Under the MMuDS Rules of Association, persons under the age of 16 are regarded as "Associate Members" and are not eligible to vote. |