Want to play a key production role in MMuDS Show? Read on...
MMuDS aims to put on a minimum of 2 of shows each year. Examples of shows include but are not limited to musicals, reviews and straight plays. The answers to the following questions will assist the c'tee in determining what shows MMuDS will stage. Currently shows are being considered up to 2 years beforehand. MMuDS has a long history of putting on quality shows and expectations are ever increasing, from the participants in the production to the audience members. Preference is likely to be made across a number of factors including the experience of personnel of the key production roles, so getting experience in areas such as stage management/crew, producing, co/assistant directing, musical direction, technical areas of a production and significant on stage roles, event management of MMuDS or other performing arts productions/companies are necessary. The MMuDS committee will also look at the appeal of the show for our community. MMuDS has a history of exploring different show options. So a show doesn't have to fit any particular style. It could well be new work or a show not well known. MMuDS shows are completely volunteer based. The MMuDS Committee looks after the overall financial management of the Association and each Production. Each Production will have a Committee approved budget and the Director & Producer of each production is responsible for the management of their show. Reports to the Committee need to be made on a regular basis as determined by the Committee for each show. MMuDS has always supported new people being part of a production but this is balanced with experienced people in key areas. This is to ensure a successful outcome and the best learning experience for everyone in a production. Internships & mentoring to gain experience for key Production Roles i.e. Director, Stage Manager and Producer will be offered to ensure quality training and best outcomes across the whole production and sustainability of MMuDS as a supportive organisation. Please contact us [email protected] if you want to find out more about internships and pathways to key production areas. Information to help you with your show proposal application.
Question 4 - Director role information: MMuDS enjoys welcoming 'first time' Directors to work on shows. It is desirable for them to have been in either a Co/Assistant Director or Stage Manager role previously. If a person is keen to be a Director there are multiple opportunities to work on other shows for 'internship' to become familiar with what is expected. The MMuDS Committee will make every effort for prospective Directors to be provided with Director internship opportunities. MMuDS Directors are responsible for managing rehearsal and technical and need to have good communication skills with their production team and cast members. It is the Director’s job to recruit for the key production roles. ie Producer, Co/Asst. Director, Stage Manager, Makeup Manager, Choreographer, Sound Manager, FX Designer, Lighting Manager, Poster Designer. The Director has overall artistic discretion of the show. Question 9 - Producer role information The Producer should have had experience in this role as an assistant or related area of a production. The Producer needs to run Production Meetings and see that all areas of the Production are running to schedule and budget. Reports to the Committee will often come out of Production Meetings and ongoing work during the preparation/rehearsal/production period. If the proposed Producer has not had experience in this role, mentoring will be necessary (Committee to appoint or approve an experienced person by mutual agreement). Question 14 - What areas of personnel are not covered at the time of this proposal: The Committee needs to know if you there are any Production roles of your production that you still need to find. This is likely if the show is still a long way off, it is likely the Committee will to be able to make suggestions. Question 25 - Child Safe Standards and Work Place Health & Safety policies & procedures. MMuDS is a Safe Child organisation by law. Shows and activities that involve children and young people means that personnel who are likely to come into contact with children or young people ie Stage Manager, Makeup Manager, Directors, Choreographers, Dressers and others as directed by the MMuDS Committee need to have a current Working With Children Check. As a volunteer this is a free certificate. Information on who needs a Working With Children Check (WWWC) can be found on the MMuDS website http://www.mmuds.org.au/child-safe-standards.html, please refer to the MMuDS Screening & Recruiting Practice policies. If you have any questions relating to whom might need a WWCC please contact the MMuDS Committee at [email protected] The Director & Producer are required to familiarise themselves with MMuDS OH&S Policy and Procedures and comply with their requirements. In the case of the need for any clarification the Director and/or Producer must contact the MMuDS President. All prospective directors will meet with the MMuDS Committee as part of the Show Application Process. With shows and activities that involve children the Committee is obliged to ask questions relating to the Child Safe Standards. Please refer to the MMuDS Screening & Recruiting Practice Policy to see the sort of questions that will be asked. Child Safe Standards The MMuDS Committee will consider the answers from these questions and factors such as any conflicting events or multiple proposals. You may be asked to come and speak directly to the Committee about your proposed show. The MMuDS Committee will make every effort advise you of the outcome of any discussions as soon as possible following your Application. |
If you require any further assistance with your application please contact the MMuDS Secretary [email protected]